Haakon County commissioners hold regular monthly meeting
Wed, 03/09/2022 - 10:05am
Haakon County Commissioners met for their regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, March 1, 2022.
Emergency Manager Lori Quinn reported that the Pre-Disaster Hazard Mitigation Plan is ready for review. A Zoom review meeting was scheduled for March 3 with all commissioners invited to join. Quinn also met with Jim Edmond on Thursday concerning cyber security. The plan was for Edmond to do a cyber security training and informational meeting to see where weaknesses may be within the county.
Tim Quinn and Virgil Smith met with the commissioners to report on the Weed and Pest board. Quinn announced that Virgil Smith was named supervisor of the year at the state conference. The weed board voted to surplus the old four-wheeler and purchase a new one. They will advertise for sealed bids to sell the used four-wheeler. The weed board received a cost share grant that can be used to pay for chemicals and time. Quinn and Smith attempted to get puncture vine added to the noxious weed list but the request was denied.
Director of Equalization Amanda Frink reported on the cost of the most recent letter that was sent out from the equalization office. It was more expensive but gave more information. Several properties have been identified as owner occupied by owners that have another owner-occupied property. She is working on clearing those up. Frink also discussed the county owned properties in Haakon County.
Custodian Kim Pinney joined the meeting to discuss the condition of the courthouse elevator. Pinney talked with the Kone Maintenance representative and was informed that the module in the elevator is approximately 30 years old and is not replaceable. She wanted the commissioners to be aware of this fact. The maintenance contract was then discussed and voted on.
The commissioners went into executive session for personnel at approximately 1:45 p.m. with county health nurse Heidi Burns, extension agent Kaycee Jones, extension secretary Rebekah Taylor, auditor Carla Smith, and deputy auditor Stacy Pinney. Burns, Jones, and Taylor left the executive session at approximately 2:15 p.m. and the commissioners, auditor, and deputy auditor came out of executive session at approximately 2:30 p.m. No action was taken.
Four gravel haul bids were received. Pack Mule, LLC was awarded the bid after comparing the bids.
At 3:05 the commissioners went into executive session for a legal issue with Val Williams, Assistant Highway Superintendent, auditor Smith, and deputy auditor Pinney. They exited executive session at approximately 3:20 p.m. No action was taken.
Following the executive session Williams reported on the progress that has been made with maintenance and repairs of county roads. The open winter has helped with this process. Future road maintenance and the Couch Rd. bridge were discussed. More discussion was held concerning a joint venture between the Milesville Fire Department and the county highway department for a building to house equipment. If there was a building at Milesville, equipment would not have to be brought back to the county shop on Lake Waggoner Rd. to thaw out. There is a building at Milesville but the equipment has outgrown the building. A plow is needed in the Milesville area to keep roads open for school and emergency vehicles. This project will be investigated further.
A special meeting will be held Wednesday, March 9, 2022, at 1:00 to discuss personnel and department changes. The next regular meeting will be Tuesday, April 5 and the County Board of Equalization will meet on April 12, 2022.
For a full account of the commissioner’s meeting, you can watch the live feed on the Ravellette Publications Facebook page and read the auditor’s minutes which are published in this week’s issue of the Pioneer Review.