Tell your story … Ray & Janice Pike
Wed, 03/01/2017 - 9:16am

Rylee Metzger
Well I knew right away...but I had to talk her into it,” Ray chuckled.
After celebrating their 61st wedding anniversary, Ray and Janice Pike share that the two most important words in a marriage have proven to be...“Yes” and “Dear!”
“The road has been long but we sure have had some fun along the way,” Ray beamed.
61 years or the blink of an eye? According to the couple it seems like just yesterday that their love story took flight in front of the ol’ Murdo Post Office. When asked how they had first become acquainted, Janice chuckled and shared that she had her eye set on Ray for a while before they actually met. In the summer of 1955 a couple of young men from Martin, S.D., moved to Murdo to take a job working on the road. Janice and her friends took notice of the new guys in town and did their best to follow them around. Mere fate decided to step in one morning as Janice and Ray ran into each other in front of the Murdo Post Office. Conversation struck up and from that time forward the spark was lit and there was no looking back for either of them.
It may not look like it now but Draper, S.D., was the place to be in the 1950’s. The exciting little town brought Ray and Janice together for their very first date night. Draper was the town, the movie theatre was the place and “Chitty Chitty Bang Bang” was the show. The couple reminisced an evening out in Draper as the memorable first date of their love journey.
When did you know that you were in love with each other? “Well I knew right away...but I had to talk her into it,” Ray chuckled. “That’s okay though, she just wanted to make sure.”
It didn’t take much convincing though as Ray and Janice were engaged to be married a short six months after meeting. Janice remembered Ray picking her up early one Saturday morning as the two of them headed to Rapid City to watch her brother Gene Cressy play football at the School of Mines. After they had meandered down the road a ways Ray mentioned to Janice that there was something for her to see inside of the glove box. To her surprise, a little box, a diamond ring and the promise of a lifetime awaited her inside the glove box of the pickup that day.
The church bells of the original Methodist Church in Murdo rang on January 1, 1956. Ray and Janice took a honeymoon trip to the Black Hills after their wedding and then returned to Jones County to begin their life and journey together.
In October of 1956, Janice gave birth to their oldest daughter Suzie and in November of 1958 their youngest daughter Sandy was born. During their first few years of marriage Ray worked several different jobs for local companies but was mainly self employed as a self taught electrician. Janice also worked for local company, West Central Electric. After working in the electricity field for a few years, Janice and Ray decided that it was time to move their family out to the ranch. The following 50 years were spent working passionately side by side and raising their children on the family ranch north of Murdo.
Currently Ray and Janice spend their days keeping up with five grandchildren and 12 great grandchildren. Janice jokingly shared that when people ask how many great grandkids she has she replies with, “six... and a half dozen.” While ranching kept the family busy for many years it was not the only passion that resided. Ray enjoys spending time in his wood working shop creating beautiful furniture, toys, pens and works of art. Janice is also a talented seamstress and spends time sewing blankets, clothing and creations for her friends and family. “These days we’re not too busy. We just get up, eat breakfast and make our plan for the day.” Janice shared.
Up until 2012 six summers were also spent working security and maintenence at Rushmore Shadows Campground in the Black Hills. Living closer to Rapid City was convenient at a time for Janice as she battled cancer and underwent 22 chemo treatments. To this day she is a 10 year cancer survivor and shares that, “Good comes out of the bad. We met friends during those times that are still present to this day.” Ray has also recently undergone a hip replacement surgery and shares that, “We are each other’s best friend. I would be lost without her. We have just learned to take care of each other when we’re down.”
Besides the words “yes” and “dear” Ray and Janice share that the three most important words to live by and understand in a marriage are trust, honesty and togetherness. The following question and answer session reflects the beautiful hearts, souls and intentions that have kept this marriage alive and strong for 61 years.
Describe your spouse in one word.
How did you know that Ray was the one for you?
Because he was attentive and kind and he played a guitar too.
What is the best part of being married?
Togetherness and living with my best friend.
What is the most challenging part of being married?
Finances, dealing with money and making decisions. Money was tight while the girls were little. We milked cows, raised chickens and I made the girl’s clothes. It brought us closer together. Whenever we do anything we discuss it together.
What qualities do you love most about Ray?
His helpfulnesss and willingness to help around the house. He’s willing to do things together.
How do you deal with times of conflict in your marriage?
Being on the same page and talking about everything.
What has kept your romance alive and new throughout the years?
Doing things together and talking about everything we are going to do.
What are some of your favorite things to do together?
Waltz dancing. Camping. Everything in general. Just doing life itself together.
In your eyes, how do you think marriage has changed in this day and age?
I think a lot of young people have too much money and live too fast. They go out more and they have a lot better things now than we had when we first started and they don’t have to scrounge on spending. Nowadays both spouses have jobs and they don’t have as much time together.
What marriage advice would you give the young couples of this generation?
Believe in each other and love each other in your heart mind and soul.
Describe your spouse in one word.
How did you know that Janice was the one for you?
I knew as soon as I seen her.
What is the best part of being married?
Working side by side. In a lot of marriages these days the wife works in town. I look at all the things we would’ve missed if we hadn’t worked together all these years.
What is the most challenging part of being married?
What qualities do you love most about Janice?
About everything she does. She can do about anything on the ranch. She’s capable of keeping up with me or should I say I was capable of keeping up with her.
How do you deal with times of conflict in your marriage?
We don’t have any. We have never had a fight. Communication and always being on the same page is important. Arguments come but we usually agree. I just always say yes dear.
What has kept your romance alive and new throughout the years?
Working together and looking at each other the same since day one. We spend a lot of time together.
What are some of your favorite things to do together?
Summertime camping and cooking together, especially cowboy dutch oven cooking. We love to make creme can stew. We once fed 70 people at a church potluck. We always look forward to our Father’s Day weekend camp too.
In your eyes, how do you think marriage has changed in this day and age?
As far as I’m concerned its just as good as when it was back in the day. But it does seem like they don’t last as long. When you get married mine and yours needs to become ours. That makes a difference.
What marriage advice would you give the young couples of this generation?
Be loyal to each other.