Tell your story

Okay, so it was most likely the three word enormously fonted title on this article that grabbed your attention. But taking my chances here, I am hoping that you (yes you!) might just have the keyword “story” rigged in your mind. Just to be clear, I am not seeking a story teller of bedtime tales, riddles or of fiction. I am directly on the search for real life stories that deliver a deeper understanding of the heart and soul of our community.
    How does one go about finding this depth you might ask? Well actually the answer is found in you; your experiences, adventures and passions. Through my personal observance, this 600 person town subsists of influential citizens, businesses founded on more than just brick and roadways that have seen the journeys of more than mere travellers.    
    Now I, your personal small town editor, or otherwise known as the “Murdo wrangler of exciting news,” am asking for your assistance. This is not a help wanted notice, an obligatory community task nor an unpleasant duty, I promise. This is simply a request from the backstage voice of your local newspaper asking that you would allow me the honor of giving your story wings.            
    Were you a student when Murdo High School transitioned into Jones County High School? When the railroad left Murdo, what effect did it have on you? Were you a member of the track team that qualified for state in 1993? What has been the secret to the success of your love story? Does your business hold historical value or memory? Or in a prospective sense, what vision do you have for our township’s future? What sentimental value does Jones County/Murdo hold to you? What factors paved the road of your return home after graduating college?
    These  serve as examples, but if any of the above topics struck your heart strings with that distinct pull, please share! This article is simply a request that y’all help bring a little community personality to our newspaper. Otherwise, it may serve as a “forewarning” that I am setting out on a scavenger hunt with your stories in mind.  So don’t be disappointed when the knock at your door is me and not the Schwan’s man, ha.
    Some call it an interview while others may call it interrogation. You must be brave, vulnerable, open-hearted or in a less scary sense, willing. Most people shutter at the sight of a camera (no pun intended), or panic at the idea of writing anything other than a grocery list. But that is exactly what I am here for! I believe that every legacy is influential, that every story deserves a voice and that no voice is too small. So with that being said... you know where to find me.

The Pioneer Review

221 E. Oak Street
Philip, SD 57567
Telephone: (605) 859-2516
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