Murdo’s “go-to” guy and number one good neighbor

Every small town has its “good guys,” but Murdo knows quite well that it really hit the proverbial “jackpot” when Bob Totton and his wife, Ellen, decided to make the move from Norris to its little community on Interstate 90 during the 1980’s. Bob had just retired from the United States Postal Service, and Murdo looked like the ideal spot on the western South Dakota map to build a new home and start sharing his zest for life and daily transfusion of optimism. And what a job he’s done!
Now it’s 30 plus years later, and Bob celebrated his 90th birthday on August 4, 2016. Local town folk can catch him donating grass-mowing time for his neighbors, the senior center, the local cemetery and the Lutheran church; helping at the uptown senior and nutrition center, and volunteering for just about any job that requires both brainpower and physical labor.
Many people joined him (over 170 signed the guest book) on his landmark birthday and made sure to let him know that he's a one-of-a-kind community asset!
August 4, 2016 was designated by South Dakota Governor Daugaard as “Bob Totton Day” in Murdo, and the community is more than proud to honor him!
Happy 90th Bob! May you continue to enjoy good health and to spread your “life is good” attitude.
Bob exemplifies and lives by these words from William Penn: I expect to pass through this life but once. If, therefore, there be any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do for my fellow man, let me do it now, and not defer or neglect it, as I shall not pass this way again.