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Collins receives scholarship in pursuit of paramedic license

Katrina Collins recently attended the South Dakota State EMSConference in Pierre, SD. While at the conference Collins was presented with the Gary Goertz Memorial Scholarship in the amount of $750.00 based on her essay and 2 letters of reference previously submitted. This scholarship is sponsored by the Freeman Ambulance Service of Freeman, SD.  It is awarded to paramedic students who are residents of South Dakota or non-residents who receive their paramedic education in South Dakota in memory of Gary Goertz. The award was presented by Janet Christensen, Gary’s sister. Gary a paramedic from the Freeman area who was working for the Sioux Falls EMS was lost on duty during a call in 1985. 

Katrina has been with the Faith Ambulance Service since August of 2019 when she completed her Emergency Medical Technician - Basic Life Support (EMT-B) training and certification. 

Since joining the ambulance crew, Katrina has decided to further her education and ability to help others when they need it the most. Katrina should complete her training and certification near the end of 2022 when she will officially become a licensed EMT-Paramedic with the Faith Ambulance Service.

“I really enjoy helping people, being an EMT sort of gets in your blood. Once you start you just want to continue, said Collins.” “I have also been inspired by Kris Escott our Ambulance Director and fellow EMT. Working with her has helped me realize I want to continue my education and obtain my paramedic license.”

The Pioneer Review

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